A: The erstwhile Bachelor's in Construction Technology (BCT) program is now restructured as Bachelor's in Civil Engineering (BCE). This five–year undergraduate program in Civil Engineering is one of the unique engineering programs in India. It equips students with the skills necessary for being competent professional engineers and exposes them to the technical, managerial, and social dimensions of Civil Engineering.
All students admitted to the undergraduate programs of CEPT University (Architecture, Planning, Design, and Technology) study together and undergo rigorous training during the 1st year (level 1) with the CEPT foundation program (CFP).
To know more about CFP click here.
From 2nd year, the program introduces students to major aspects of civil engineering, i.e., structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, environmental engineering, transport engineering, fluid dynamics, and construction engineering and management. The program comprises mandatory subjects like Applied Mathematics, Engineering Materials, Construction Technology, Fluid Mechanics, Geotechnical Engineering, Analysis and Design of structures, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering and Construction project management, and Building Energy Efficiency. Students understand the established theories with practical application through laboratory-based testing of materials, soil, and environmental parameters. Students are also apprised of modern techniques of surveying and levelling with different instruments, including drones. Coursework and assignments aim to evolve students' conceptual and analytical abilities.
Like all teaching programs at CEPT University, this program focus on developing professional capacities through working in realistic situations and live projects using the 'studio' pedagogy. The second and third years are considered level 2 of the education that focuses on developing the skills of analyzing and designing, constructing and specifying, and developing rationales. The 4th and 5th year is a higher level 3 that focuses on developing the skills of complex problem solving with all the specifics of level 1 and level 2. Students engage with well-designed, realistic, and practical problems through studio courses. The portfolio at the end of each studio encompasses the rationale of the final design through visuals and written communications.
The program further trains students for real-world experience by placing them in professional training in various civil engineering companies/projects and consultancy firms across India for a complete semester. This is followed by a dedicated research project to build independent problem-solving and learning among the students.
After completing the program, each student has a rich portfolio with eight detailed projects maximizing their chances for further studies or placements.
The detailed course curriculum is available at -