CEPT started new PhD programs in the academic year 2014, offered by the Faculty of Architecture and Faculty of Planning. The objective of the program is to train scholars towards advanced research and training. The program aspires to build up core competencies like research capabilities, critical thinking and writing, preparedness for publishing, and communication through rigorous coursework.
The optimumduration of the PhD program is four and a half years. The first year of the program is devoted to coursework, requiring full-time residency. During the residency, students shall get an opportunity to engage in teaching and/or professional research. After successful completion of the coursework, there will be qualifying exams to test competency in the field/discipline and in the area of specialization. After successfully clearing the qualifying exams, students will be awarded the status of ‘PhD Candidate’. Thereafter, candidates would prepare and defend a research proposal within a maximum period of one semester. During the candidacy period, candidates will work in consultation with their Dissertation Advisory Committee.Upon clearing this stage, the candidates will get two and half years to complete the PhD dissertation.
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