Master's in Urban Infrastructure

Admissions 2025

Urban centres are currently growing at a rapid rate and facing immense pressure for provisioning, upgradation and maintenance of their basic services and infrastructure. Often the infrastructure services are neglected due to lack of coordination and planning for the anticipated spatial growth and densification. Such growth areas can become underserviced places of the cities, one from which many problems of the city stem: degraded water resources, water, sanitation and waste problems, uncontrolled pests, and crime due to poor access to water and sanitation services. Global Development agenda since past decades has been focusing on Urban Infrastructure and Various Government of India programs since past decades including recent ones like Smart Cities, Swachh Bharat Mission, HRIDAY and AMRUT have been reinforcing the need to focus on improvement of Urban Infrastructure and require urban infrastructure professionals to plan and implement these programs.

To address the growing issues of Urbanization, it is important to provide specific focus to these infrastructure services, fast-tracking investments and improvement programs to make the fast-growing urban centres livable. Recognizing this need, CEPT University was one of the early movers to start a program in Infrastructure Planning in 2005. It is an approach to planning education that is tailored specifically for the urban habitats and brings together the study of the city and its infrastructure in ways that encourage innovative, cross-disciplinary thinking and technical, financial, environmental and social solutions to the infrastructure problems we face in urban habitats.

MUI program gives students a professional training that equips them to work as infrastructure specialists who can comprehensively assess growing urban infrastructure needs and formulate strategies and efficient infrastructure service delivery projects for urban development programs of the Government, bilateral and multilateral donors, private sector consulting, research and academia. The students learn to use specific analytical tools, program and project appraisal and knowledge of policies, programs, institutional and legal frameworks required for work in urban infrastructure domain. They work as infrastructure specialists in the public realm to analyse the blue-green urban infrastructure, its systems, and its multiple scales.

The students are trained to engage with scales from local project to city, region and  global through studio courses, theory courses, hands-on tutorials, individual capstone project and technical guided field visits in India and abroad during summer and  winter schools.


Within MUI program, half of the seats are for major in WASH (Water Sanitation and Hygiene) which is part of Global Sanitation Graduate School, supported by IHE, Delft

*MUI (major in WASH-Water Sanitation and Hygiene), Supported by IHE, Delft is part of Global Sanitation Graduate School. (Refer for more details).

WASH specialization encourages and would give preference to female candidates to apply and pursue the course. In this major, all the enrolled students will earn a fellowship and funded thesis/Directed Research on successful completion.

On successful completion of the program, the students will be awarded the degree of Master of Planning (Urban Infrastructure). Students opting for major in WASH will also get degree of Master of Planning (Urban Infrastructure) with major in WASH stated in their transcript.

To know more about the program