Master’s in Housing Design

Admissions 2024
The Master’s in Housing Design (MHD) program is meant for architecture professionals aiming to acquire specialised expertise in housing design

India is at the threshold of massive urbanisation. There is a rapid influx of people moving to cities and their peripheral areas to benefit from better economic opportunities and access to modern living standards. This has led to an increased demand for housing which is further fuelled by the rising household income levels. This has also led to a reimagination of the traditional housing types to more complex housing typologies that may include density challenges, a mix of uses, economic efficiency, climate response and technology. 

In this context, there is a need for an architectural professional who possesses expertise in housing design and can effectively evolve design ideas to include social changes in housing types, technological advancements in construction, the efficiency of land use, building regulations, and climate responsive design. 

The MHD program responds to this evolving scenario to prepare architectural design professionals to create architecturally innovative, thoughtful, and contextually sensitive housing. The program will provide students with multiple opportunities to interact with architectural design professionals who also function as resources and mentors in the program

Design studios are central to teaching pedagogy. They provide opportunities to combine real-life housing design challenges while exploring new directions in design. The program provides students with multiple opportunities to interact with design professionals and real estate developers who also function as resources and mentors through the program.