
Master’s in Architectural Tectonics 

The program curriculum provides a disciplined and rigorous approach to architectural design and detailing with focus on its fundamentals, systems, meaning and contingencies. The key concerns of the curriculum are as below:

  • What are the foundational principles desired in order to construct and communicate meaning?
  • How to envisage a building as a set of systems?
  • How does detailing construct ‘meaning’ in a built environment?
  • How to maintain the continuum of design intent in a project in the wake of contingencies?

In the process of addressing these above questions; the studio will raise and undertake further issues emerging out of these. The studio synchronized with the workshop-based learning will remain at the center of design investigation. 

Curriculum Chart

Studio + Workshop (14 credits)
Course (2 Credits each) Electives*
Key Word Theme
Building Language and Expression

Ecology of Resources & Thermal Performance

Moving details Construction ManagementDigital FabricationHistory of TechnologyLanguage of surfaces -other electives offered by the University
i First Principles Foundation 
ii Control Detail + System Precedents and Breakthrough in Details

Principles and Theory of Detailing
iii Reinforce Detail + Meaning  Material science and Performance Ethics, Legislation, and compliances
iv Disrupt Detail + Contingencies  

*Electives are subject to revision from time to time

This specialization is an opportunity to explore existing and emerging methods and tools of design and production, helping students to connect between questions of architectural meaning to the questions of detailing while keeping up with the constantly evolving profession of architecture.

The program focuses on the region of South Asia, responding to the challenges of tropical climate and rapid urbanization. Through this specific focus, the program contributes to the universal problems of the design discipline, sharing and exchanging innovative and emerging solutions to design challenges in the global milieu.

Studios in this specialization are tutored by both academic and practicing architects who offer a balance of theoretical and practice-oriented explorations. These studios also introduce students to examples of advanced design thinking through exposure to the CEPT FabLab, workshops, and the CARBSE (Center for Excellence in Green Energy and Environment) on campus.